I've been working on my survey project for my statistics class all semester. My instructor has finally given us the signal to begin administering our surveys. Please help me out here. The project is due on the 20th of this month, so I want to have my raw data compiled around the 10th.
Please help me out by filing it out. You can post it as a reply to this post or email it to me (tyjet88(at)gmail.com).
1. Age:
___ Under 13 ___ 13-17 ___ 18-22 ___ 23-27 ___ 28-32 ___ 33-37
___ 38-42 ___ 43-47 ___ Over 47
2. Race:
___ Caucasian ___ African-American ___ Native American ___ Asian
___ Hispanic ___ Other
3. Sex:
___ Male ___ Female
4. Do you currently have a subscription to an Internet Service Provider?
___ Yes ___ No
5. Do you use the Internet Regularly?
___ Yes ___ No
6. On average, how much time is spent using the Internet on a weekly basis?
___ Less than 1 hour ___ 1-5 Hours ___ 6-10 Hours ___ 11-15 Hours
___ 16-20 ___ Over 20 Hours
7. On an average, how much of that time is dedicated to work related activities?
___ None ___ Less than 1 hour ___ 1-5 Hours ___ 6-10 Hours ___ 11-15 Hours ___ 16-20 ___ Over 20 Hours
8. On average, how much of that time is dedicated to school related activities?
___ None ___ Less than 1 hour ___ 1-5 Hours ___ 6-10 Hours ___ 11-20 Hours ___ Over 20 Hours
9. On average, how much of that time is dedicated to leisure activities?
(If you answer None, please skip question #10.)
___ None ___ Less than 1 hour ___ 1-5 Hours ___ 6-10 Hours ___ 11-20 Hours ___ Over 20 Hours
10. What leisure activity do you usually engage in the most while online?
___ Social Networking (MySpace, Facebook, etc.) ___ Online Message Boards ___ Streaming Media (YouTube, Hulu, etc.) ___ Online Gaming ___ Casual Research ___ Instant Messaging/E-Mail ___ Other