Adapting to WoW has been... quite exhilarating. So, here's a little gallery of my recent misadventures!

Here's an image of me getting mauled by three Alliance Druids in a PvP battleground.
Sometime later, Disco and I went adventuring in Stranglethorn Vale. Actually, that's kind of a lie. George and the others said it was a great place to level starting at 30, but it ended up being an awful place full of mobs that were too high for us... This is when I learned that a Rogue companion is great until things get a little... dangerous:

On the topic of leveling, Blizzard implemented a new feature some time before I started playing. It's called Dungeon Finder and it allows you to choose you role (Tank, Healer, DPS) and places you into a queue. Once a party of five is formed, you are transported to an instance (either random or specified). What's great about this is that players across all servers are entered into the queue, so finding a group takes minutes, sometimes even seconds. In fact, often when I opt to tank, I find a group instantly.
Now, tanking in WoW is pretty fun. While, overall, single target tanking is much simpler, WoW tanking is quite a change of pace. For instance, a lot of instances have me "AoE tanking." That is, tanking multiple mobs at once:

It's pretty interesting. That yellow/orange stuff on the floor is an AoE effect I have called Consecration. This deals Holy damage to all enemies standing on the field. This coupled with a buff called Righteous Fury, a buff that increases hate generated from Holy based attacks, makes AoE tanking a breeze!
Another thing, people expect a lot of tanks. This was a bit of a surprise at first. For example, in a single instance, I find myself single target tanking, AoE tanking, buffing, backup (sometimes even main healing when I have lazy healers) healing, a little DPS, and even pulling. It's pretty fun!
Oh yeah, we managed to get Dynas to play WoW with us! He's playing a Tauren Warrior. I decided to pay him a little visit. Here's the first thing he saw when he gained control of his character: