Between work and school, I haven't had much time to do, well, anything, but I am attempting to make some progress.
For those wondering about work, I am enjoying it. It is a lot better than my old job. There is a very strong relationship between the employees and the employer here, and that is pretty nice compared to my last job where the employees were treated horribly.
School is coming along... I am quite ready for this semester to be finished. The semester will be over in about four weeks. After that, I'll have a small break before having to jump into the fray again for a summer semester. Once the summer semester is over, I will be ready to graduate with my associate's degree. I am looking forward to it! I plan to work on finding a better job over the summer. Hopefully there will be a place that will be willing to hire me considering how close I am to completing my degree.
As far as video games are concerned, I stopped playing XIII. I just sort of lost interest. I still intend to finish (and get the platinum), but right now, I am not up for it. I also bought Little Big Planet, but I have not played it much at all. We should play together sometime!
In Final Fantasy XI, I have been pretty bored. For the last couple of weeks, I have logged in only to find myself logging out shortly afterwards due to having nothing to do. After I obtained my new avatars, I felt there was little purpose to continue playing. For the time being, I've been leveling White Mage. I got an invite to a colibri party last night and managed to go from 37 to less than 1k to 41 in a matter of about two hours. Pretty nice.