Well, well! It appears some good fortune has come my way as of late!

First, I'll begin with the topic of the Nyzul Isle static! The static fought valiantly against the unseen horrors that only Nyzul Isle has to offer! The dreaded chariots reared their ugly heads quite a few times during our adventures, and were determined to prevent us from making any progress. Unfortunately, we failed two of our four runs. However, we did manage to reach Floor 30, and this is great news because I'm actually in a static that's making progress. In the past, I have wasted my time starting at Floor 1 several times in an effort to make progress in the long run, but we would often disperse before our second run. I'm glad I have a static of committed people! We've even agreed to meet twice a week: on Mondays and Fridays! Perhaps I'll be able to get Atonement in a few weeks!

Second, Dynamis - San d'Oria was unusually kind to me tonight! Yet, it is also very cruel! I was asked to come on Red Mage. Usually, this would cause me to fly into a blind rage, but considering I've come on a variety of jobs as of late, it was a nice change of pace. I was able to sub Black Mage. It was quite enjoyable being able to take care of sleeps, silencing mages, silencing pets, refreshing tanks, and backup healing. Composure makes this job
so much easier in Dynamis. For my efforts, Dynamis gave me a wonderful pair of Wyrm Greaves that I won on free lot. Before that dropped, Argute Bracers dropped, and I was very pleased until the run was over and I noticed that I had to edit
every single Scholar macro. Nevertheless, I can't wait to try them out in the future!
Finally, Odude gifted me
Team Fortress 2 as a birthday present (which is on the 26th)! It's worthy to note that this is probably the best birthday present I've been given since my 18th birthday when my mom bought my Treasures of Aht Urhgan. TF2 is a really awesome game, and all of you should go buy it! We can have the whole Ventrilo server on a team! Wouldn't that be awesome?!
In closing, here is a quote from Belmont, who was on Onikirimaru: