Friday, May 15, 2009

Stop. Emo Time.

It appears that Icee and Liren aren't speaking to me after a comment I made about his lack of elemental staves. Apparently I'm elitest despite sacrificing time out of the last six months to help with missions I've long since completed. Is this the thanks I get? Sacrificing time to help others only to have them find fault with anything I say? Is it worth it? Am I overreacting? Perhaps I try too hard to keep friends in this game. Maybe I should stop sacrificing my time helping people that apparently don't appreciate my help. Bleh, I need a boat.

On a lighter note, special thanks goes to Sonnus for sacrificing over two hours of his time to help me break my dagger of trials. After wasting an hour of my time trying to solo the NM, it appears I fail at RDM solo. I guess I'll wait for someone to help me.

Also, Nyzul later tonight! The goal is to get to go from floor five to floor twenty with four tags. That shouldn't be too hard!


  1. You're better off without them.

  2. Sorry Tij ;;

    I need to learn to keep my mouth shut. >.<

  3. Don't worry about it, Tij. :/

    Honestly, I understand exactly what you mean. Elemental staves are crucial for any mage job; it's the single biggest upgrade you can get for less than 100k. To neglect getting them is questionable to say the least.

    You have your priorities straight, my dear.

  4. Oh... and I'll help bash a bat with ya, if you want. Should be no problem between us.
