Forget Michael Jackson! We have lost a true legend.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A New Direction
From this day onward, any time someone uses the letter W, I will post it here so their act of weeaboo...ness(?) will be archived for all time.
Keep in mind, I will not archive legitimate W's. This is only for instances of the abbreviation of the Japanese word warai.
Keep in mind, I will not archive legitimate W's. This is only for instances of the abbreviation of the Japanese word warai.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Damage Summary
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg Spell Dmg Other Dmg
Dynas 124283 31.16 % 59406 0 0 57764 0 7113
Leondimas 105319 26.41 % 54595 0 186 44499 5390 649
Mahoro 19 0.00 % 0 0 0 0 19 0
Tijet 75635 18.97 % 54281 9 0 21345 0 0
Treyenma 90586 22.71 % 65745 0 188 24252 0 401
SC: Darkness 855 0.21 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Impaction 372 0.09 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Reverberation 1725 0.43 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 398794 100.00 % 234027 9 374 147860 5409 8163
Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Dynas 59406 47.80 % 409/105 79.57 % 67/222 134.63 37 152/301 251.97 9.05 %
Leondimas 54595 51.84 % 415/124 76.99 % 72/244 124.70 31 154/335 216.52 7.47 %
Tijet 54281 71.77 % 1018/254 80.03 % 17/87 49.28 93 50/154 93.54 9.14 %
Treyenma 65745 72.58 % 900/533 62.81 % 28/111 65.62 109 79/165 126.95 12.11 %
Range Damage
Player Range Dmg Range % Hit/Miss R.Acc % R.Low/Hi R.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Tijet 9 0.01 % 3/39 7.14 % 0/6 3.00 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Other Magical Damage (Additional Effects and Spikes)
Player M.AE Dmg # M.AE M.AE Avg R.AE Dmg # R.AE R.AE Avg Spk.Dmg # Spike Spk.Avg
Dynas 317 17 18.65 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Treyenma 55 3 18.33 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Other Physical Damage (Counterattacks and Retaliations)
Player CA.Dmg CA.Hit/Miss CA.Low/Hi CA.Avg Ret.Dmg Ret.Hit/Miss Ret.Low/Hi Ret.Avg
Dynas 2366 19/1 70/171 124.53 4430 28/1 85/302 158.21
Leondimas 649 3/0 142/340 216.33 0 0/0 0/0 0.00
Treyenma 346 4/0 59/146 86.50 0 0/0 0/0 0.00
Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg
Dynas 57764 46.48 % 81/1 98.78 % 210/1355 713.14
- Raging Rush 53046 91.83 % 74/1 98.67 % 210/1355 716.84
- Steel Cyclone 4718 8.17 % 7/0 100.00 % 448/1031 674.00
Leondimas 44499 42.25 % 61/4 93.85 % 464/917 729.49
- Spinning Slash 44499 100.00 % 61/4 93.85 % 464/917 729.49
Tijet 21345 28.22 % 51/0 100.00 % 37/745 418.53
- Seraph Blade 37 0.17 % 1/0 100.00 % 37/37 37.00
- Swift Blade 586 2.75 % 2/0 100.00 % 273/313 293.00
- Vorpal Blade 20722 97.08 % 48/0 100.00 % 154/745 431.71
Treyenma 24252 26.77 % 44/0 100.00 % 93/1006 551.18
- Asuran Fists 24252 100.00 % 44/0 100.00 % 93/1006 551.18
Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg
Leondimas 186 0.18 % 6/0 100.00 % 31/31 31.00
- Weapon Bash 186 100.00 % 6/0 100.00 % 31/31 31.00
Treyenma 188 0.21 % 3/0 100.00 % 51/69 62.67
- Chi Blast 188 100.00 % 3/0 100.00 % 51/69 62.67
Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg
Leondimas 5390 5.12 % 32 0 8/348 168.44 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 2305 42.76 % 19 0 8/291 121.32 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 3085 57.24 % 13 0 43/348 237.31 0 0/0 0.00
Mahoro 19 100.00 % 6 0 0/6 3.17 0 0/0 0.00
- Dia II 19 100.00 % 6 0 0/6 3.17 0 0/0 0.00
Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg
SC: Darkness 855 2 320/535 427.50
SC: Impaction 372 1 372/372 372.00
SC: Reverberation 1725 4 334/519 431.25
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I just wasted over two hours looking for a mob that drops bottled pixies at a somewhat decent drop rate.
I sometimes I wonder why I play this game.
I sometimes I wonder why I play this game.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Busy Busy Busy!
Between work and other things, it seems like my time on FFXI has been severely restricted... It's not that I work often, it's just the times that I work. It more or less restricts my time in the afternoon. When I come home at night, I usually get something to eat and shower. This usually has me logging on right as one of my events is about to start. Anyway, on to business!
I've been slowly working on Dragoon. As of right now, it is level 53. I have yet to get a 50+ party, so I haven't had any experience with Penta Thrust or Super Jump outside of solo experiences. In fact, it wasn't even aware that I had Super Jump until I saw it in my job ability list. I am a little upset over having to level sync constantly because I've shelled out all of this gil for equipment such as Spiked Finger Gauntlets and I can't even use them. Also, it would be nice to experience Penta Thrust in a party environment so I can gauge my accuracy and adjust my gear accordingly.
Since my Dragoon is over level 50, I have been working on my artifact armor. Disco and I spent one evening farming coffers while attempting to skill up. Treasure Hound was a Kupower during that week, so we would often show up, kill two or three mobs, and have to relocate because the key dropped. However, this doesn't mean that my coffer experiences were pleasant. Kuftal Tunnel was especially annoying for me because of my own sheer stupidity. I forgot to flag the key item in the coffers in Kuftal not once, but twice. So, I had to pop three coffers. I'm the proud owner of the Challenge to the Royal Knights key item, the map to Kuftal Tunnel, and 11,000 Gil. As of right now, I have all of my artifact armor with the exception of the helm. I am a bit sad that I can't solo the NMs because I have to actually be on Dragoon to pop it. So, don't expect me to QQ for help until I actually need it.
On to Tinnindepedence Day. I am worried that I will not be able to complete my Tinnin pop. However, I still plan to be there. As far as I know, I don't have to work on the fourth, so I will do everything in my power to be there and help out. It would be awesome if someone was willing to let me have an Alkylorups, but I totally understand if they wouldn't. 10M-15M is too hard to pass up, after all.
I have also been working on my Wings of the Goddess Missions. I have yet to tackle the mission quests for Windurst since the update. However, with the recent announcement of Northlands and the continuation of the main storyline (Lilisette!), I am motivated to get this done. Last night, Shuri, Disco, Dynas, Chewzer, and Arwocky helped me out with the miniature battlefield in Fort Karugo-Narugo for The Long March North. Let me say this: The cutscene before and after the fight were phenominal. The concluding cutscene actually made me tear up slightly. As of right now, I'm working on the second mission of the set: The Forbidden Path. It's a very annoying little quest in which I must go all over the world (both past and present). There's three branches: One requires a bottled fairy, one requires a testimony, and one requires me to click on an object in Horutoto. I have a PLD testimony in my inventory, so I'm set for two of the three branches. So, that leaves the fairies. I've been attempting to farm the fairies before work, but it doesn't look like I'll be successful. The Yagudo Scribes in West Sarutabaruta [S] are very stingy. In essence, I am searching frantically for fairies... I feel like a certain someone...


I've been slowly working on Dragoon. As of right now, it is level 53. I have yet to get a 50+ party, so I haven't had any experience with Penta Thrust or Super Jump outside of solo experiences. In fact, it wasn't even aware that I had Super Jump until I saw it in my job ability list. I am a little upset over having to level sync constantly because I've shelled out all of this gil for equipment such as Spiked Finger Gauntlets and I can't even use them. Also, it would be nice to experience Penta Thrust in a party environment so I can gauge my accuracy and adjust my gear accordingly.
Since my Dragoon is over level 50, I have been working on my artifact armor. Disco and I spent one evening farming coffers while attempting to skill up. Treasure Hound was a Kupower during that week, so we would often show up, kill two or three mobs, and have to relocate because the key dropped. However, this doesn't mean that my coffer experiences were pleasant. Kuftal Tunnel was especially annoying for me because of my own sheer stupidity. I forgot to flag the key item in the coffers in Kuftal not once, but twice. So, I had to pop three coffers. I'm the proud owner of the Challenge to the Royal Knights key item, the map to Kuftal Tunnel, and 11,000 Gil. As of right now, I have all of my artifact armor with the exception of the helm. I am a bit sad that I can't solo the NMs because I have to actually be on Dragoon to pop it. So, don't expect me to QQ for help until I actually need it.
On to Tinnindepedence Day. I am worried that I will not be able to complete my Tinnin pop. However, I still plan to be there. As far as I know, I don't have to work on the fourth, so I will do everything in my power to be there and help out. It would be awesome if someone was willing to let me have an Alkylorups, but I totally understand if they wouldn't. 10M-15M is too hard to pass up, after all.
I have also been working on my Wings of the Goddess Missions. I have yet to tackle the mission quests for Windurst since the update. However, with the recent announcement of Northlands and the continuation of the main storyline (Lilisette!), I am motivated to get this done. Last night, Shuri, Disco, Dynas, Chewzer, and Arwocky helped me out with the miniature battlefield in Fort Karugo-Narugo for The Long March North. Let me say this: The cutscene before and after the fight were phenominal. The concluding cutscene actually made me tear up slightly. As of right now, I'm working on the second mission of the set: The Forbidden Path. It's a very annoying little quest in which I must go all over the world (both past and present). There's three branches: One requires a bottled fairy, one requires a testimony, and one requires me to click on an object in Horutoto. I have a PLD testimony in my inventory, so I'm set for two of the three branches. So, that leaves the fairies. I've been attempting to farm the fairies before work, but it doesn't look like I'll be successful. The Yagudo Scribes in West Sarutabaruta [S] are very stingy. In essence, I am searching frantically for fairies... I feel like a certain someone...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
My Boss is Special
Today, I received my check from my boss. However, unlike ordinary pay days, I was given two checks: One for me and one for my sister (She works evenings on Friday and Saturday). My boss hands me both checks and says, "This one is for (sister's name here)." I reply with, "Okay," and he responds with, "(Sister's name) is your sister."
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Heavy Breakfast Machine!
I was playing TF2 with some guy named Fux and he kept playing a variety of songs over his mic including the Bill Nye theme, Never Gonna Give You Up, and this interesting remix of the Breakfast Machine from Pee Wee's Big Adventure:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Masta Pran
A brog post with some actual substance. Here is my plan of action for the forseeable future (In no particular order):
Dynas has told me that he doesn't mind if we climb without him, but I don't like the idea because I think this would be his only opportunity to climb. Nevertheless, I'm going to bring it up tomorrow and see what the others think, but I'm sure we will vote on waiting for him. He should be back in a week or so.
In RL news, I don't like my job. I'm a dishwasher at this diner close to home. It's convenient that I can easily walk to and from work, but the job itself is incredibly annoying. For starters, my boss drives me insane. He won't actually tell me how to do my job; he just points out that I'm not doing it right. I've basically been taught how to do my job from my coworkers because my boss refuses to tell me anything. On my first day, I spent half of my shift just learning where everything goes because he wouldn't tell me.
Also, I have quite a hilarious story. On my way home from work, I am sending Disco a text. Now, I wear glasses because I'm basically blind without them. As I am sending the text, I glance up. At this point, I'm not looking through the lenses, so I'm seeing with my naked eyes. I see this bright oval shaped light. So, I start tripping out because I think it's a UFO or something. I immediately move my head up so I can view it with my glasses on, and it's the new blimp that the Wind Creek Casino bought for the sake of advertising.
- Take Smithing to 60.
- Take Alchemy to 76.
- Floor 100 for Nyzul Isle.
- Quest my Derg AF - I have pretty much all the keys now. Lost my QSC key, but I can easily get a new one.
- Take Polearm to level 8 - I'm @4 with 2 merits currently on my person.
- Get a Swift Belt - I have a pop item on my person.
- Take Derg to 75.
- Obtain N. Body.
- Work on a Tinnin pop set - This must be done before Independence Day!
Dynas has told me that he doesn't mind if we climb without him, but I don't like the idea because I think this would be his only opportunity to climb. Nevertheless, I'm going to bring it up tomorrow and see what the others think, but I'm sure we will vote on waiting for him. He should be back in a week or so.
In RL news, I don't like my job. I'm a dishwasher at this diner close to home. It's convenient that I can easily walk to and from work, but the job itself is incredibly annoying. For starters, my boss drives me insane. He won't actually tell me how to do my job; he just points out that I'm not doing it right. I've basically been taught how to do my job from my coworkers because my boss refuses to tell me anything. On my first day, I spent half of my shift just learning where everything goes because he wouldn't tell me.
Also, I have quite a hilarious story. On my way home from work, I am sending Disco a text. Now, I wear glasses because I'm basically blind without them. As I am sending the text, I glance up. At this point, I'm not looking through the lenses, so I'm seeing with my naked eyes. I see this bright oval shaped light. So, I start tripping out because I think it's a UFO or something. I immediately move my head up so I can view it with my glasses on, and it's the new blimp that the Wind Creek Casino bought for the sake of advertising.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
My Dragoon Will Ding into Excellence
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
This Blog Post Sponsored by Pants
Dynamis - Qufim tonight. Too tired to care about typing a big long post, so I'll just post screenshots.

In lolRLnews, I have a job as a dishwasher now thanks to my sister! I had to go tohell Wal-Mart to buy non-slip shoes. And pants.
The downside to this job is that I'll be working every evening basically. This kills Rimbus completely unless I find a new group. Also, I could potentially lose a Nyzul static because of it. I'm hoping we can just do it earlier on Fridays and Mondays.

In lolRLnews, I have a job as a dishwasher now thanks to my sister! I had to go to
The downside to this job is that I'll be working every evening basically. This kills Rimbus completely unless I find a new group. Also, I could potentially lose a Nyzul static because of it. I'm hoping we can just do it earlier on Fridays and Mondays.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
A Suggestion!
Tyjet06 (4:04:13 PM): You should read my blog :O
Tyjet06 (4:05:01 PM): It's an archive of my FFXI stuff. I started it early last month. When I quit XI, I can look it at think to myself, "My God, I have no life."
Tyjet06 (4:05:16 PM): With a bit of real life things tossed in.
PandoraAIM (4:07:10 PM): Needs more stuff like, "omg i am not speaking to that bitch laurie anymore she stole carmichael the love of my life from me what a slut"
PandoraAIM (4:08:06 PM): "also i crashed my porsche but its okay because my uncle bought me another one and i also asked for a new phone to replace my new one ugh life sucks why me ya' know j/k lol"
omg i am not speaking to that bitch laurie anymore she stole carmichael the love of my life from me what a slut also i crashed my porsche but its okay because my uncle bought me another one and i also asked for a new phone to replace my new one ugh life sucks why me ya' know j/k lol
Tyjet06 (4:05:01 PM): It's an archive of my FFXI stuff. I started it early last month. When I quit XI, I can look it at think to myself, "My God, I have no life."
Tyjet06 (4:05:16 PM): With a bit of real life things tossed in.
PandoraAIM (4:07:10 PM): Needs more stuff like, "omg i am not speaking to that bitch laurie anymore she stole carmichael the love of my life from me what a slut"
PandoraAIM (4:08:06 PM): "also i crashed my porsche but its okay because my uncle bought me another one and i also asked for a new phone to replace my new one ugh life sucks why me ya' know j/k lol"
omg i am not speaking to that bitch laurie anymore she stole carmichael the love of my life from me what a slut also i crashed my porsche but its okay because my uncle bought me another one and i also asked for a new phone to replace my new one ugh life sucks why me ya' know j/k lol
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