Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Masta Pran

A brog post with some actual substance. Here is my plan of action for the forseeable future (In no particular order):

  • Take Smithing to 60.
  • Take Alchemy to 76.
  • Floor 100 for Nyzul Isle.
  • Quest my Derg AF - I have pretty much all the keys now. Lost my QSC key, but I can easily get a new one.
  • Take Polearm to level 8 - I'm @4 with 2 merits currently on my person.
  • Get a Swift Belt - I have a pop item on my person.
  • Take Derg to 75.
  • Obtain N. Body.
  • Work on a Tinnin pop set - This must be done before Independence Day!

Dynas has told me that he doesn't mind if we climb without him, but I don't like the idea because I think this would be his only opportunity to climb. Nevertheless, I'm going to bring it up tomorrow and see what the others think, but I'm sure we will vote on waiting for him. He should be back in a week or so.

In RL news, I don't like my job. I'm a dishwasher at this diner close to home. It's convenient that I can easily walk to and from work, but the job itself is incredibly annoying. For starters, my boss drives me insane. He won't actually tell me how to do my job; he just points out that I'm not doing it right. I've basically been taught how to do my job from my coworkers because my boss refuses to tell me anything. On my first day, I spent half of my shift just learning where everything goes because he wouldn't tell me.

Also, I have quite a hilarious story. On my way home from work, I am sending Disco a text. Now, I wear glasses because I'm basically blind without them. As I am sending the text, I glance up. At this point, I'm not looking through the lenses, so I'm seeing with my naked eyes. I see this bright oval shaped light. So, I start tripping out because I think it's a UFO or something. I immediately move my head up so I can view it with my glasses on, and it's the new blimp that the Wind Creek Casino bought for the sake of advertising.

1 comment:

  1. You know... I have just over 20,000 zeni stored up. If people are going to work on Tinnin pops, then I'm going to get myself a back-up as well!

    Y'know... your situation with your boss sounds almost exactly like my boss when I first started workies. Except the critical difference is that my boss probably doesn't know where anything is anyway.

    UFO.. haha!
