Monday, December 28, 2009

My New Life

World of Warcraft has been great for me. I cannot believe I was so harsh towards this game over my Final Fantasy XI career.

This game is just... fun. I love how Blizzard handles time sinks in this game. The time sinks are there, but Blizzard implements it in such a way that it is not really as noticeable. For instance, I love traveling in this game. Especially when it comes to zeppelins. Instead of waiting ten minutes for it to arrive, about three minutes for it to take off, and three minutes for the ride itself, the waiting time for using it is about five minutes even if it takes off as soon as you arrive to the station.

Also, after exploring, you unlock flight paths that makes returning to areas much easier.

Needless to say, this game is great.


  1. Aw, you scribbled out Tijet. lol

    Glad to hear you're having fun with it. And somehow you managed to coax George into coming on the Vent for... 5 minutes! What an accomplishment. <3

  2. I named my Undead Warlock Tijet, so in a way, it's like he has been reborn into the living dead! :D
